There is a military adage called the “7 p’s”:
Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance
Following on the WW2 / Samurai theme from the previous blog
post (Part 1 click here) I am also applying the 7 p’s. Because if we
mess up at the planning stage everything will unravel over the coming months.

So, broken pane of glass in green house fixed, soil dug over, weeds removed, raked, plant plugs and
seeds arriving and turf laid for the chicken enclosure. But most of all the
location of all these things have been planned out and visualised, and this is
one of the main things of preparation and planning. A map: so we all know what
we are doing and where we are heading.
Of course, this is a long-term strategy, a preparation for
food shortages in the next months should the virus cause disruption to food
production and supply. It is the most urban of survival strategies and one
which takes into consideration self-isolation and quarantine. It also gives one a sense of control in a time when we have very little control of what is going on. Better than being in denial I think.
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