Friday 10 April 2020

Snitte: The Danish Art of Whittling Part 3

There is nothing like whittling to find peace and tranquillity in these troubled times…

So, following on the step by step process from the book Snitte: The Danish Art of Whittling by Frank Egholm, I have finally got to the painting stage for my Blue Tit project! (Click here for Part 1 and Part 2)

Possibly the more difficult part of the process, but one has to just jump in and have a go…I used acrylic paints a little watered down, but not too much. Yellow on the belly, green on the back of the neck, blue on the wings and white and black on the head. A bit of white detailing to make it look somewhat feather-like. If you are not used to painting, Games Workshop or model making then you may find this a difficult process…however practise make perfect.

For a first try I am quite happy with the result. I just need two bamboo skewers for the legs, and perhaps some black beads for the eyes.

In terms of the book  I find that it is really easy to follow, and the whole presentation helps to motivate the process. The illustrations and the photographs are clear and easy to follow and the text is kept to a minimum. I do recommend this book!

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