A review of the Trion:Z Ultra loop bracelet which I have been wearing for about a year and a half:
What is it?
It is a reverse polarity 4 magnet bracelet set in a silicon band. The strong magnets are meant to increase blood flow, encourage quicker recovery and increase performance. Testimonials indicate that the magnets relieve aches and pains and aid restorative sleep by the magnets acting at a cellular and molecular level. Magnetic bracelets have been about for years so there is nothing radical about the concept, but with high profile athletes and sports people wearing the bracelet it deserves at least to take the review a little more seriously than if, say, your grandmother swore by it.
And what is a Trion?
Well, according to Wikipedia a Trion is "a localized excitation which consists of three charged quasiparticles. A negative trion consists of two electrons and one hole and a positive trion consists of two holes and one electron."
OK... so the Trion:Z must be something to do with negative electrons, and, what is most impressive (and according to the Trion:Z website) the bracelet has "been awarded the prestigious MHRA Approval as a Class 1 Medical Device in the UK and across Europe [and] the only health and wellness product accepted and certified as an approved medical device by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Government of Japan." So there is quite a lot of hype and expectation to occupy us with with this bracelet. Which brings me to expectation and belief in healing also called the placebo effect.
The placebo effect indicates that the mind can manifest a healing situation in the body through the strength of belief, in believing that something will cure. So this bracelet may act like a placebo...
But it may (I think) also act on the smaller particles of the body with an increasing efficacy as you reach the smaller (more subtle) levels.What are these "subtle" levels...?
Hypothetical Quantum Effect
Briefly then, as we start to break down the body into smaller and smaller units, into cells and then to molecules and then eventually to atoms and then sub-atomic particles. at these smaller and smaller levels eventually the effect of something like the reverse polarity magnet must begin to manifest in some way. Finally as we reach the smallest most fundamental level of reality we reach a point where all physicality is really a vibration in a higher dimension and at this level all manner of things which in conventional terms seem impossible would be in fact probable and even possible. At this level perhaps the Trion:Z comes into its own. I say "perhaps" because this is the only way I can see that little magnets could actually effect a system...at the quantum level.
So hypothetically at these smaller levels this Trion:Z bracelet may start to interact and have effect on the body which must necessarily influence the whole in a holographic effect.
I say "holographic effect" to explain how a medical device, albeit one which is "alternative", and located at the wrist could cause healing of, say, the knees or ankle...or help you sleep? The effect at such a minuscule level must reflect in the greater whole. In this sense I am thinking of the Implicate Order in which the whole universe is enfolded in everything and each thing is enfolded in the whole. Accordingly the human must be, at some level, a sort of hologram.
As for the TrionZ claims I can report that after wearing the Trion:Z continuously for 17 months that I have experienced many of the properties expected with the bracelet. My sleep is generally better and Generally speaking I like wearing the bracelet and I don't want to take it off so I must perceive some benefit in wearing it. I am in a better state of health now than I have ever been, I am barefoot running better than ever, and my recovery does seem to be enhanced. However how much is this due to the TrionZ and how much is it due to my exercise regime? That said I wont take the blessed thing off and when it wears down and falls to pieces I very probably will buy another, so make of that what you will.
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