Wednesday, 10 June 2020

I customized the handle on my Casstrom Woodsman bushcraft knife! UPDATED 2021!

OK, I admit it, I got fed up with the feel of my Casstrom Woodsman knife and in an idle hour decided to carve the bog oak handle with my Mora Precision into something which felt more comfortable in my hand. (Scroll to bottom for update!)

I did it on a whim, maybe it was in a fit of Lockdown Frustration and I admit I did go a bit too far and cut off a bit too much. This was mainly because I adapted the grip according to what my hand was telling me was comfortable rather on aesthetics and the outcome was... well... not pretty, in fact it was surprisingly odd looking but at least more comfortable to hold for extended periods of time as the prior handle design gave me cramp after extended use.

I always found the blade of the Woodsman a little short and far too much damage occured on the handle closest to the blade, so much so that I kept dinging the edge making it look unsightly and making it feel nasty to the I shaved these off and made a groove for my thumb ala Benchmade knives.

There was a ding at the other end near the lanyard hole so I gave it that cola bottle shape  and cut off the leather thong.

Changing the shape  has made me like this knife a bit more, and means I will keep using it and not replace it with a No.10 Casstrom in O2...well I can't sell it now I have changed the shape of the handle and some might say totally messed it up...

I must admit I did have that feeling of "what have I done I have just cut up my £100 knife". But hey ho. It's done now. I blame COVID19 and Lockdown. I should have spent more time considering how to change the shape, as I have carved off too much wood in places and exposed the liner. A rookie error perhaps, but I just got so frustrated with the design. 

Do I regret buying the woodsman knife? I kind of do actually, it is a very safe and dependable knife and does the job, but I can't help thinking that this is an ugly knife and the design is not right for my large-ish hands - I need a more sculpted handle and a longer blade. But thats just my opinion - others may love it, and they probably do, given what I have seen on the internet! But for me the thrill of this knife soon jaded, eclipsed by far cheaper knives like the Mora, the more rustic like the Helle Viking and of course by the superlative No.10 Swedish Forest Knife with its amazing handle design.

UPDATE - Opps I did it again. More customization for my Woodsman knife! This time cutting the damaged oak out and adding a piece of white seasoned birch to make a satisfying contrast!

Update 2021: Having modified the handle with the white wood, it has really changed my appreciation of the knife, perhaps because of that prehistoric sense of "making special" or perhaps the handle is a bit more comfortable for my hand?

In any case, my regrets of buying this knife have been replaced by a renewed admiration for it. It is short enough for discrete use and yet beefy enough for splitting wood and even prying nails out of old pallets. The knife blade itself has changed shape as I have honed it and removed various dings making the whole knife becoming "worn in", or perhaps customised, to me. Long story short, it is now one of my favourite knives. I love my little customization of the birch contrasting the bog oak I like how the blade shape has subtly changed... Now...I feel curious about the Lars Falt knife, my next purchase perhaps?

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