Phenomenal Absolutism refers to the naïve belief that the world is exactly as the observer sees it, and this value is believed to be universal – that all observers must perceive the situation exactly the same as he or she does. And this ‘viewpoint’ is passed on from adult to children ad infinitum. So, for a child, once language is learnt, the vast majority of what the child learns as 'real' is through reports of other people’s experiences, hence the child’s concept of reality, even of the physical world that surrounds them, is based on second-hand information, that is based on a type of ethnocentrism called enculturation. The child is enculturated to perceive in a certain way, that is to say, culture has influenced what the child sees.[1]
The same sort of argument is mentioned in the introduction of Carlos Castaneda’s book, Journey to Ixtlan where it is described how children are incessantly taught how to see the world until such times as the child is capable of perceiving the world as it is described. This makes the child a member of some greater group to which they (and we) belong, with whom we all share a common perceptual interpretation of the world; so as to say our perception of reality is really nothing more than a flow of descriptions, from other’s second-hand information, drummed into us from birth.[2]
Deepak Chopra and Menas Kafatos refer to this programming in their book You Are The Universe although they discuss this at the neurological level, talking about the neural wiring in the brain, a little like a computer that has been programmed (although of course we are a little more than a computer as we have a mind);
‘The brain can be trained, and everyone’s brain has been. It accepts only the model of reality it was trained to accept…The model of reality you are following right this minute is wired into the synapses and neural pathways of your brain.’
They go on to say that the same visual information, say, an old man walking down the street, will have a different meaning to different people. For some he will be invisible, to others an object of sympathy, to others a drain on society and to others a typical grandparent.[3]
They conclude that the response of the brain is overriding what you are seeing, or in other words: the response is controlling what you are seeing rather than what you are seeing controlling the response. Our perception of reality is, again, what we have been trained to think it is, rather than what it actually is.
Let us take this idea forward. Consider a table. We are so used to a table being this everyday thing that we use, with legs and a top surface, that we – not only take it for granted – we hardly even see it anymore. A table is just a table. We have seen it our entire lives. We have been told what reality is, what a table is, our whole lives – we have been taught and this teaching has been reinforced. But there is more to a table than its appearance... we have to also consider its essence.
Imagine a round table in a room. Is it round? Yes, you say.
But your point of view shows it to actually to be oval due to perspective, and so it doesn’t present as round at all. Your knowledge of it being round is something drummed into you from childhood, of, you know, all the shapes we have to learn as children. From this programming we know that a round table is a circle on legs. But when you look at it, it is distorted via perspective. Already we are seeing a difference from it’s appearance (an oval table) and its essence (a round table). But there is more to it than just that...
The Physicists David Bohm and Basil Hiley use this example in their book The Undivided Universe; to explain the difference of the appearance of a table and the essence of a table because it all depends at what angle you are looking at the table, and it also depends at what scale you are looking at the table, for example under a microscope it would look quite different, the appearance changes and so therefore does the essence of what it is:
‘…as we go round a circular table, what we see immediately is an everchanging elliptical shape. But we have learned to regard this changing shape as a mere appearance, while the essence, i.e. the true being, is considered to be a rigid circular object…But further investigation shows that this object is not solid and eventually discloses an atomic structure [and] the solid object [a rigid circular table] now reverts in our thought to the category of appearance, while the essence is the set of atoms out of which it is constituted.’
If we then look deeper into this atomic structure, it is then the atomic structure that has to be re-categorised as ‘appearance’ whilst the essence is now smaller and yet even smaller sub-atomic and sub-sub atomic particles ‘quarks, gluons, preons, or else sets of excitations of strings’.
As we go ever deeper what we thought was ‘essence’ becomes ‘appearance’ until we reach some smaller and smaller particle or quantum field or force. [4]
Quantum theory actually makes the relationship between perception and reality more complicated due to the rule that until we can apply a measurement or observation to determine a state of a thing, such as a particle, then that particle doesn’t exist and thus only be described as being in a possible number or variety of different states, existing as a sum of all these possibilities.
Bringing this theory into the everyday world; if we take a bigger thing, such as the moon, then; until we observe the moon, then the moon doesn’t exist, only the sum of the possibilities of the moon exist. This theory was supported by Neils Bohr and opposed by Albert Einstein, the latter who saw it as hopelessly naive, and overly logical, however this was what they had found in quantum theory and Bohr was just applying the theory from particle physics it into the real world[5]. In confronting such an idea Erwin Schrödinger made his famous thought-experiment with a cat in a box.
It goes something like this:
A cat is placed in a sealed box facing a gun. The gun is connected to a Geiger counter and the Geiger counter is connected to a piece of uranium. Since the uranium atom is unstable it will undergo radioactive decay and as soon as the uranium nucleus disintegrates the Geiger counter will detect it and the bullet will kill the cat. To find out if the cat is alive or dead at any given point in time we need to open the box to observe it. Once we look in the box the cat will either be alive or it will be dead. But before we open the box, according to quantum theory, the cat is neither dead or alive, all there exists is a sum of the possibilities of the alive cat and the dead cat. It was a ridiculous type of thought experiment but with the weirdness of quantum theory it represented the findings of particle physics, however it couldn’t be rectified in the ‘real world’ – the cat cannot be both alive and dead at the same time, that would be impossible. The cat must exist, clearly, either as an alive cat or a dead cat before you looked in the box.
A cat is placed in a sealed box facing a gun. The gun is connected to a Geiger counter and the Geiger counter is connected to a piece of uranium. Since the uranium atom is unstable it will undergo radioactive decay and as soon as the uranium nucleus disintegrates the Geiger counter will detect it and the bullet will kill the cat. To find out if the cat is alive or dead at any given point in time we need to open the box to observe it. Once we look in the box the cat will either be alive or it will be dead. But before we open the box, according to quantum theory, the cat is neither dead or alive, all there exists is a sum of the possibilities of the alive cat and the dead cat. It was a ridiculous type of thought experiment but with the weirdness of quantum theory it represented the findings of particle physics, however it couldn’t be rectified in the ‘real world’ – the cat cannot be both alive and dead at the same time, that would be impossible. The cat must exist, clearly, either as an alive cat or a dead cat before you looked in the box.
A physicist called Hugh Everett came up with a solution to this conundrum of quantum reality, in that all the possibilities exist in the real world through parallel dimensions, so when the box is open, the universe divides, leaving two universes, one in which the cat is alive and one in which the cat is dead. This is essentially the many-worlds explanation; that for any decision the other variables remain in situ in another universe – due to the universe splitting. [6]
In terms of a crime, think of someone being murdered, in a parallel universe the victim isn’t murdered but carries on living, and has a rich and wonderful life. This universe runs parallel to our own.
Food for thought.
Let us now consider something else...
One of the aspects of Shamanism - the prehistoric spiritial belief of hunter-gathers - and in so called ‘pagan’ thought the world over, is the idea that everything has life. It is called animism. We can see it in the Japanese religion of Shinto and their belief in kami, just as we can see it in the Native American culture, everything is said to have a sense of life or consciousness, even something inanimate such as a rock: that a sense of consciousness purveys everything.
In the book You Are The Universe, Chopra and Kafatos state that the basis of the entire universe is indeed consciousness – that we live in a conscious universe – and you cannot differentiate the biologically living things (such as the tree) with the supposedly inert things (such as a stone or rock). They use the example of a rock with moss growing on it, both of which have ‘life’.
They say: ‘choosing to call the soft green moss on a rock a living thing while denying life to the rock is merely a mind-made distinction. In reality, everything in existence follows the same path from its origin (dimensionless being) to a state that consciousness chooses to create out of itself…a rock and the moss that clings to it share life on equal terms.’ [7]
Food for thought.
Let us now consider something else...
One of the aspects of Shamanism - the prehistoric spiritial belief of hunter-gathers - and in so called ‘pagan’ thought the world over, is the idea that everything has life. It is called animism. We can see it in the Japanese religion of Shinto and their belief in kami, just as we can see it in the Native American culture, everything is said to have a sense of life or consciousness, even something inanimate such as a rock: that a sense of consciousness purveys everything.
In the book You Are The Universe, Chopra and Kafatos state that the basis of the entire universe is indeed consciousness – that we live in a conscious universe – and you cannot differentiate the biologically living things (such as the tree) with the supposedly inert things (such as a stone or rock). They use the example of a rock with moss growing on it, both of which have ‘life’.
They say: ‘choosing to call the soft green moss on a rock a living thing while denying life to the rock is merely a mind-made distinction. In reality, everything in existence follows the same path from its origin (dimensionless being) to a state that consciousness chooses to create out of itself…a rock and the moss that clings to it share life on equal terms.’ [7]
This type of thing was discussed two decades before by theoretical physicists Bohm and Hiley in their book The Undivided Universe in which they state that:
‘…a rudimentary mind-like quality is present even at the level of particle physics, and that as we go to subtler levels, this mind-like quality becomes stronger and more developed.’
And that:
‘Through enfoldment, each relatively autonomous level of mind partakes of the whole to one degree or another…’
The conclusion, that seems very close to a Native American view is that:
‘…each human being similarly participates in an inseparable way in society and in the planet as a whole. What may be suggested further is that such participation goes on to a greater collective mind, and perhaps ultimately to some more comprehensive mind in principle capable of going indefinitely beyond even the human species as a whole.’
And that ultimately, that:
‘…one could say that through the human being, the universe is making a mirror to observe itself. Or vice versa the universe could be regarded as contiguous with the body of the human being.’ [8]
To the Native Americans this connection to all things, this continuity of balance and harmony in the universe is called the ‘Sacred Hoop’. In the words of the Muskogee Medicine Man Bear Heart, it is:
‘…the circle of all life…Everything is part of the Sacred Hoop and everything is related. Our existence is so intertwined that our survival depends on maintaining a balanced relationship with everything within the Sacred Hoop.’ [9]
In this Sacred Hoop, just as in quantum physics, everything has a sense of consciousness, even the trees and rocks. Everything is connected.
The Pueblo Spiritual Adviser Patricio Dominguez states that:
‘We like to think of ourselves as separate both from each other and from the rest of the world, but we are not. Our physical existence is only one level of the greater reality, which has many layers, many dimensions, and many paths through which everything is connected and through which everything is both a part and a parcel of the one great whole.’[10]
Essentially quantum theory concurs with Native American belief. Whether we can adopt the same point of view ourselves depends very much on our own cultural milieu and hence rests on our ability to see past our specific cultural and neurological programming, drummed into us from birth.
[1] Segall, M. H., Campbell, D. T., & Herskovits, M. J. (1966). The influence of culture on visual perception The Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc.
[2] Castaneda C (1972) Journey to Ixtlan Arkana Publishing
[3] Chopra D & Kafatos M (2017) You Are The Universe Harmony
[4] Bohm D & Hiley BJ (1993) The Undivided Universe, Routledge
[5] Kumar M (2008) Quantum Icon Books
[6] Kaku M (1994) Hyperspace Oxford University Press
[7] Chopra D & Kafatos M (2017) You Are The Universe Harmony
[8] Bohm D & Hiley BJ (1993) The Undivided Universe, Routledge
[9] Bear Heart and Molly Larkin (1998) The Wind is My Mother Penguin
[10] Morton C & Thomas C.L. (1998) The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls Thorsons
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