Wednesday 21 January 2015

Couch to Barefoot Running in Six Months

This is the plan - to go from couch to barefoot running in six months, I'm not stipulating any distances, it could be just around the block but that's not the point, it's all about a lifestyle change, and healthy living and reducing my beer belly. If I get more spiritual or philosophical about it would be about some sort of freedom, getting out there, becoming one with nature... OK moving on.

What have I done so far? I have downloaded a beginners regime for running and adapted it for my own lifestyle and health level, downscaling it to less miles, less distance and with more rest days than the average couch potato can manage. (It's OK my ego can take it). And I have got to the end of the first week, hurrah! I've covered less than six miles on three occasions but so far so good.

What shoes am I running in: Puma Mobiums.

What are they like: uncomfortable (I have hobbit feet)

Running style: once likened to Kermit the Frog I am attempting to go for a relaxed gait with forefront / mid foot strike with a high cadence, concentrating on what my foot is doing.

Result so far: I appear to be aching in the right places, all good, and looking forward to week 2...

....and for some extra motivation I have ordered my Vibram Five Fingers and for summer some Huarache running sandals. Can't wait.

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